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Displaying Styles

Songbook allows to customize the style of displaying chords in a song.

Thanks to indicating precisely the place where the chord is accentuated (right before the word), Songbook can interpret that information in different ways when displaying a chord. You can choose how you want to display the chords in settings.

Given the following text file

[C]Twinkle, twinkle, [F]little [C]star
[F]How I [C]wonder [G7]what you [C]are.

you can choose how to present the chords on a song preview:

  • Chords inline (among the words) (as original text, but chords are bold with a color accent)

    C Twinkle, twinkle, F little C star
    F How I C wonder G7 what you C are.

  • Chords above the lyrics (on a separate line)

    C                F      C
    Twinkle, twinkle little star.
    F     C      G7       C
    How I wonder what you are.

  • Chords aligned to right (at the end of line)

    Twinkle, twinkle, little star         C F C
    How I wonder what you are.         F C G7 C

  • Lyrics alone (chords hidden)

    Twinkle, twinkle, little star
    How I wonder what you are.

  • Chords alone (lyrics hidden)

    C F C
    F C G7 C


When editing a song, don't put the chords above words, keep them in the same line (among the words). Don't choose for others. Let others pick their favourite displaying style.