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Local Chords Editor


There are many useful tools in chords editor (in a local app), which make the editing easier:

  • Undo: revert last changes
  • Line: select whole line or next lines
  • Duplicate: duplicate selection
  • Reformat: Reformat and rearrange to standard chords format, eg. by removing redundant whitespaces
  • Validate: Validate chords if it adheres to the Formatting standard (eg. whether the brackets are closed properly).
  • Detect chords: Find and mark chords automatically based on the chosen chords notation but keeping their original horizontal position (aligned with spaces) by removing 2 redundant spaces for each inserted [ ] characters.
  • Transform: Open menu with more transformations
  • Move chords from upper line to matching words: merge each two lines by moving chords (aligned with spaces) from upper line to lower line with lyrics, moving them to matching words they are above.
  • Move chords from upper line to the right: merge each two lines (upper with chords, lower with lyrics) by moving all chords to the end of line after lyrics
  • Convert from other chords notation: Convert all chord from other chords notation to the chosen one for a song
  • Remove doubled blank lines: Replace each double Enter (line break) with single one
  • Replace Fis -> F#: Replace all sound names ending with is to #
  • Unmark chords: Drop all chord marks: [ and ]
  • Mark chords (not preserving indentation): Find and mark chords automatically by surrounding them with [ ]. Note that horizontal position of chords may be changed afterall.
  • Remove everything inside brackets: Remove text inside square brackets [ ] and the brackets themselves.
  • Align misplaced chords: Moves chords placed wrongly inside word (e.g. w[C]ord) to the beginning of the word.
  • : move cursor by one character left
  • : move cursor by one character right
  • [ / ]: insert suitable bracket (either opening or closing one)
  • [Mark]: Mark selection with chord brackets pair
  • Copy: Copy selection
  • Paste: Paste copied text