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Changelog - What's new in Songbook

All user-facing, notable changes will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


[1.38.5] - 1918 - 2024-05-27


  • Added seventh chord diagrams for Ukulele (e.g. C7, Am7).
  • Enable other lyrics languages, such as French.


  • Fixed sharing the presenter's transposition key with Song Cast spectators.

[1.38.4] - 1917 - 2024-04-15


  • Unique device ID is not included in the backup data, preventing from duplicating the same ID on many devices.


  • Fixed NotFoundException for Drawable background_splash resource.

[1.38.3] - 1916 - 2024-04-07


  • App icon has been recreated in a high resolution and made to fit the new Google Play Store requirements.

[1.38.2] - 1915 - 2024-04-04


  • SongCast can follow the transposition key set by the presenter. Spectators can turn this option in SongCast settings.


  • When in a playlist, song's context menu doesn't show an option to delete a song to prevent deleting it permanently by accident. There's only an option to remove it from the playlist.


  • Fix: showing entire textfield in the song editor.

[1.38.1] - 1914 - 2024-01-18


  • Fix: already used item id on songs list.

[1.38.0] - 1913 - 2024-01-18


  • In the song's details, you can look up the hash to check whether two songs differ or not.
  • You can turn on a new setting: "Keep custom songs in sync", which makes it to synchronize custom songs with online server whenever you read or modify a song.


  • Song Editor layout has been redesigned. All song's metadata can be edited in one view.
  • "My Songs" are now called "Custom Songs".


  • Fixed bug with a comment in line breaking displaying chords above the line.

[1.37.3] - 1912 - 2023-11-24


  • User interfaces has been revamped. In particular, songs list got modernized layouts. Song is displayed in 2 lines layout, separating title from artist.


  • Fullscreen mode is kept when a new song gets presented with SongCast.
  • Delimiters inside compound chords are validated.
  • Improved focusability when controlling app with keyboard arrows or D-pad.

[1.36.4] - 1908 - 2023-10-20


  • Conflicts no longer happen in Custom songs synchronization due to using Conflict-free Replicated Data Type algorithm.


  • Song Cast is now more stable in the rooms with many connected devices.

[1.36.3] - 1907 - 2023-10-08


  • Fixed "File import canceled" on latest Android.
  • Fixed lyrics still needing reformatting after doing Reformat.
  • Improved reordering animation on playlists.

[1.36.2] - 1906 - 2023-08-24


  • Shared song links are now using our domain due to Firebase Dynamic Links shutdown. Old links may stop working soon.
  • Added more context to errors. Enabled coroutine's stacktrace recovery.


  • Fixed corrupted data error by saving backup file. This allows to recover if app has been terminated, while saving the data.
  • Fix reordering animation on moveable items. Improved overscroll animation.

[1.36.1] - 1905 - 2023-07-17


  • "Swipe left" gesture on the song view to shuffle a random song again (if there's no open playlist).
  • You can toggle songs of playlist (add or remove) on a "playlist fill" view.


  • Fixed synchronization issue in editor session.
  • Fixed updating playlists view after applying a change.

[1.36.0] - 1904 - 2023-07-10


  • You can join Song Cast room in a web browser to spectate the presented song. Copy the room link from the app, share it and open in a browser on a different device. It works best with Slides mode enabled on a presenter device.


  • Optimized Jetpack Compose layouts.
  • Optimized reordering list on a playlist view.
  • Fixed 2 stability issues.

[1.35.5] - 1903 - 2023-06-07


  • Playlists can be reordered with a drag-and-drop icon.


  • Fixed UI display error related to reordering songs on a playlist

[1.35.4] - 1902 - 2023-05-31


  • Fixed layout displaying issue.

[1.35.3] - 1901 - 2023-05-29


  • Added Support for Song Cast - displaying songs on many devices over Internet connection. You can create a room so that your friends could join it. Once the Presenter chooses a song, it will be broadcasted and displayed on all devices connected to a room. Share the code with others so they can join this room as Spectators. As a presenter you can control the song's scroll on all devices by either sharing scroll position or enabling Slides mode (click Song Cast icon in a song preview). Slides mode presents only selected lines of the song and animates them on Spectator's device.
  • Some of the layouts started to use Jetpack Compose and Material Design Components.
  • You can now transpose chords in the Chords Editor. Click Transform button, pick Transpose chords option and select the number of semitones.
  • If unrecognized chords are found in a song, there is a warning displayed when opening a song.


  • Default chrods displaying style is now Chords Above.
  • Minimal SDK version has been set to API 21 (Android 5.0 Lollipop).
  • Bluetooth song sharing has been rejected in favour of Song Cast over Internet. Sharing over Internet is more reliable and does not require additional permissions.

[1.34.5] - 1897 - 2023-04-13


  • New commands for backing up and restoring app data by means of a dialog box.


  • About navigation item has been swapped with a Manual button.
  • Missing song item is hidden in a navigation menu.
  • App no longer asks for write permissions to access external storage.


  • Optimize initialization and ad loading.
  • Fixed initialization errors.
  • Fix associating local songs with remote ones from a Sync Session.

[1.34.4] - 1896 - 2023-03-27


  • App tries to recover from fatal errors and better handles corrupted data.

[1.34.3] - 1895 - 2023-03-27


  • When resetting user data, an additional backup file is being made.


  • Fixed error involving corrupted data in case of finding an empty chord notation in the custom songs.
  • Better error reports in case of insufficient permissions when reading a file.

[1.34.2] - 1894 - 2023-03-21


  • Songbook keeps daily backups of My Songs. It saves versions of My Songs from last 14 days in a local directory Internal Storage/Android/data/igrek.songbook/files/backup. There's a new option in Settings: "Keep daily backups of My Songs", which is enabled by default.
  • You can restore Your Songs by choosing "Restore My Songs from a local backup" in Settings. It gives you a chance to recover Your Songs from a local backup from last 14 days. This is particularly useful in case of corrupted data or when your songs are gone for other reasons.


  • In case of detecting corrupted user data, user can choose whether to exit or to reset local data.
  • "Favourite songs" are now called "Liked Songs".


  • Fixed corrupting user data in case of a concurrent loading.

[1.34.1] - 1893 - 2023-03-09


  • Whenever Songbook app is updated, it prompts you to view the Changelog to see the latest changes.

[1.34.0] - 1892 - 2023-03-09


  • You can Synchronize your songs with a Web Editor to modify them in any browser, for instance on your desktop computer. Then synchronize them back to see the changes on your local device. Click 3-dots icon on My Songs and pick Synchronize with Web Editor. This will start a temporary session for 24 hours, which you can access by opening link on any device. If changes were made in both places (locally and remotely), there might be a conflict to be resolved.
  • Songbook Web UI is available at Right now it only handles Synchronize Sessions.
  • Changelog can be opened from the About window and is available at Manual pages.
  • Runtime logs from the application can be browsed in the app by typing the secret command logs.
  • Copyright notices of the third-party libraries are linked in the About window.


  • Overlapping chords in the "Chords Above" style are now displayed correctly.
  • Lists of songs are now properly updated when a change to a custom song is applied.

[1.33.2] - 1891 - 2023-01-19


  • Non-fatal errors can be reported by clicking Send Report on an error pop-up.


  • Improved startup performance by loading user data asynchronously.


  • Inverted chords (eg. C/G) are no longer splitted when wrapping the lines.
  • Fixed security error on some devices when opening the external links, like Privacy Policy.

[1.33.1] - 1890 - 2022-12-30


  • Debug logs are included in reports in case of a crash.